My Grandma turned 90 years old on Sat., June 11th. She was totally surprised by the birthday party my mom and uncle planned for her. Invites were sent out w/o her knowing and so it was all hushed. Everything worked out perfectly. My Uncle Mike told my grandparents he was taking them to an Open House John Deer was hosting for family. Mike went to pick them up and on his way back into town, he had to stop back at his house to get his ID badge. What Grandma didn't know was that Mike's house was full of family and friends of hers. She was totally caught off guard and had a blast visiting with everyone.
Greeted by Betty and Rita, grandma's younger sisters.

My mom with the Birthday Girl

Grandma getting hugs from Olivia.

Grandma with her kids

Chris and I partying with Grandma

Grandma with her sister-in-law Ethel, Betty and Rita

Kids enjoyed playing some wiffle ball in Mike's backyard.

Cheering on the teams.

Grandma and Grandpa are the same age for only 23 days. Grandpa turns 91 on July 4th.

Olivia snatching a picture of her and Natalie.

Ruth having her 1st juice box. She was in heaven.
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