Tonight, Andrew's All-Star team played against Ankeny's National All-Star team. Both of these team were equally matched up, both winning their pools to advance to districts. Andrew's team lost 6-7. It was such a good game to watch. We were all on pins and needles watching to see if the team could defeat the opponent. It was top of the 6th inning, two outs, two on base, and Andrew is up at bat. How stressful for his parents and the rest of the team!! Andrew had two strikes and one ball on him. Here comes the pitch, Andrew hits a clean hit out to center. Andrew runs with all of his might to first base and the center fielder made a great catch. Andrew disappointed in himself and gets upset with how the game ended. The car ride home was quiet for Andrew. He wasn't in the mood to talk, still emotional from the game. I knew he would open up later, when it came time for bed. He was a tired boy tonight and hopefully gets a good night rest.
Johnston plays again tomorrow afternoon, since there is double elimination. He will be playing Ankeny's American All-Star team.

Ruth and my nephew

Cooling off with a lemonade frozen treat.
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