Slowly but surely, Ruthie is growing longer hair. She is a splitting image of her sisters. I see both Olivia and Clare in our little Ruthie. She has Olivia's hair coloring and curls in the back of her head like Olivia did when she was a baby. Ruth takes a pacifier like her big sister did. Ruth and Clare both have BIG blue eyes. Clare and Andrew have a dimple in the middle of their chin and Ruth has one as well. Ruth has an ear piercing scream to get attention just like Clare did when she was a baby/toddler and currently still does every once in awhile. Ruth's skin tone is still very baby like and I can't tell if she will have fair skin like Olivia or a darker tone like Clare and Andrew, which tans easily.
As Ruthie continues to get older, it will be interesting to who she will look like most.

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