R. not liking the whole Santa thing.
What a SMILE!!!! You can tell she is excited for Santa.
O. is writing some gift ideas C. is wanting from Santa. She wants 5 cars, a horse on a stick, toys for Baby R., 9 ponytails, and walkie talkies. She start her list in November. One day she brought me a piece of paper and asked me how to spell 'Santa.' I told her, then she had me write down a few things she wanted. At the end, C. wrote her name. It is so cute, that I must keep the list for a keepsake. I had to convince C. to have O. rewrite her list for Santa, so I could keep her original.
A. wants a Wii and a Tony Romo Cowboy jersey.

Off to the North Pole the letters go. C. even drew herself with Santa to give to him.

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