With the weather being so crazy during the week of Christmas, it seemed that we did everything kind of backwards. We started off with Christmas at the house a couple of days early so the kids could play with their new stuff before we headed on the road.
The all week, we kept our eye on the weather. Snow was in the forecast so we changed our plans a couple of times. We ended up going to Ottumwa a day earlier to avoid the snow that the state was suppose to get. The SE part of the state received only a few inches of snow, which was where we were. The western part had a complete blizzard making our travels to Omaha to be postponed. We'll try getting to the Omaha area another weekend to celebrate Christmas with Raye and Dan. Phil's mom will try to come up on her days off, IF the roads allow her to travel.

A and O with their new I-Pod Shuffles.

Baby R has her own puetter now. (That's how C. says computer.)

Let the Fun begin!!!

C. wanted a real camera, so this one is suppose to be kid proof. We'll see.

Love'n the taste of paper.

A. LOVES to put Lego kits together.
Off to Grandma Ann's House on Christmas Eve

Baby R. is eating her first saltine cracker. She'll be eating more of these soon now that her tooth broke through the surface.

The grandkids together with Grandma Ann.

I have a feeling we'll be playing lots of board games this winter.

A new dance bag from Aunt Sara.

Still liking the taste of paper.

C. wanted walkie talkies SO bad. Actually she wanted 3 of them. That way her older brother and sister could have one too. Grandma was able to find a set of 4. This was a HIT!!! All of the kids loved playing with them.

What's in the bag, R? A new outfit from the Cullinan's.

C. also wanted a horse on a stick. She was so excited to get this.

Grandma's favorite gift, a personalized calendar.
Christmas at the Farm

Here are my grandparents with 8 of their 11 great grandchildren.