Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why mom??

I was dreading the day to take Miss C in to the doctor for her 5 year old shots. I knew she would put up a fight. I clearly remember her older siblings getting them and not crying at all because they were really excited to know that they would be starting kindergarten soon. Well, she didn't care to know about going to kindergarten next fall. C put up a HUGE fight. Kicking and screaming and having extra help to get them in her. Anyway, now she is ready for school, that is in August of 2010. Once we got in the van to go home, she said to me, "Mom you're my favorite girl, why did you do that to me?" This comment just tore at my heart. Seeing your child go through any kind of pain is just heart wrenching, and even worse when your asks why?

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