C. turns 5 later this week. When C. was asked what theme she wanted for her bday I was surprised to hear she wanted Curious George. She lately has been into Sponge Bob. For her next bday, she wants Sponge Bob, she states. Sat. was a beautiful day to celebrate her special day. However, C.s night ended up in the ER. She woke up around midnight crying that her ear hurt and sure enough, she had a terrible ear infection. It just seems crazy that it came on so fast. The past couple of days she has had cough and her cold settled in her ears. She came home all chipper, WAY different that two hours prior. The nurses gave her a unicorn Beany Baby since her bday was celebrated today. Even when I write this, she still has her hospital ID bracelet on her wrist. She likes that it has her 'numbers' (bday date) on it. I just think that is cute.

Four little monkeys

C. with her cousin

Make a wish

C calls these "two wheels".

A new lego set to put together

Well needed knee and elbow pads to go along with the new roller blades.
1 comment:
They all are getting so big!
Happy Birthday Clare!
I miss you all so much and wish we were still together all the time.
Glad she is doing okay now from the ER- scarry!
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