Celebration of the 4th of July is always bring us home. My grandpa's birthday is also the 4th, and he turned 89 this year. This year we didn't celebrate at his farm like usual. Grandma finally decided that getting ready for the 4th was a lot of work and let my uncle have the celebration at his house. The kids had 5 hours to bounce in a castle bounce house and play with their cousins. Then around 9, it was firework time. This year was a record low in temperature I could ever remember. The low temp and drizzly weather didn't bother the kids.

Cousins with their matching shirts.

July 4th is also my brother and sister-in-law's wedding anniversary. Happy 11th Anniversary Chris and Sara.

It was too cool for little R. to be outside. She slept while it was supper time and stayed awake for the fireworks.

Looking at the pretties in the sky.
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