Saturday, May 9, 2009

First Communion

On May 3, A. had his First Communion. He was looking forward to this day for a long time. All week he was asking who all was coming to witness this special with him. Both grandmas, uncles/aunts, cousins, and Godparents came to celebrate this day with him.

A. doesn't like to shop, just like his father, but he didn't mind picking out his First Communion outfit.

A.'s Godparents-Michelle and Joe

Uncle Danny and Aunt Raye came to see A. receive The Body and Blood.

A. standing by his banner he made at the First Communion retreat in April.

Phil was A.'s religion teacher this year. Every week Phil would prepare lessons for the class to get ready for this memorable day in the church.

The church had a nice reception after mass. Here you see A. with his family. A. opened his gifts here. He received various types of Bibles, and a couple of rosaries to pray with.

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