Sunday, May 24, 2015

Kip Turns 14

Last Sunday, Chris and Sara invited us over for supper and cake to celebrate Kip's 14th birthday.  With April and May being quite busy with sports, school stuff, and life we haven't seen the Cullinan's much.  It was nice to get together even if it was only for a couple of hours. 

Best of Friends
Ruth wanted her picture with the birthday boy too.  So cute!!

A Full Circle

Almost 3 years ago, Kati was an associate in my 3rd grade classroom at Jensen.  She liked being in the classroom so much, she went back to school to earn her teaching degree.  As she continued to work at Jensen, she completed her coursework & practicums too.  In March, Kati started her student teaching with me and my little 1st graders at Webster.  May 8th was her last day with me.  It was wonderful to see her grow as a teacher and having the extra hands in the classroom is a bonus too.  Best of Luck Kati in your career as a teacher!!

On Kati's last day, we had a field trip to the zoo.  What a fun day we had celebrating her last day!!
I had Krispy Kreme donuts(her fav), waters and gifts for her.
Reading the cards the kids made her.
A little personalized gift I made for her.  I love how it turned out, J-hawk colors.

Olivia's Confirmation

Olivia's confirmation was on April 28th.  It was a beautiful warm day, perfect for company and to celebrate Olivia's confirmation. 

Olivia chose her Grandma Mary to be her sponsor.  Her Uncle Dan is her godfather, but when she needed to select her sponsor, s/he needed to be at the rehearsal the night before and the ceremony wasn't until 7PM.  So she picked Mary because we knew she would be coming for sure.  Having Danny and Raye travel to DM and having 3 little ones at a 7PM mass would be challenging, so we weren't sure if they would make it.  However, they did and we are glad they made the trip over to witness Olivia's special day.

Over 60 10th graders

Olivia with Bishop Pates

Olivia with her sweet little cousin, Cecilia.  Love their smiles.

Tis the Season for Ball

Since my last post, my evenings and weekends have been consumed with a lot of baseball and softball games.  Andrew's team has been in 8 tournaments since the last weekend of March.  His team has been playing really well and has won a few tournaments.  I love watching all of his games but our weekends are shot with games. 
Running the bases is one of his favorite things to do.
So far this season, Andrew has hit 9 home runs for the Aces. He bats 3rd in the line up.

Unfortunately Andrew's sisters go to pretty much all of his games.  On this particular day, Ruthie found a $1.00 blown on the ground. Her lucky day!!!!  She couldn't wait to go spend it at the concession stand. 

Her purchase

Ruth always asks if there is a park at the fields.  There was this time around.

Clare's Johnston Dragon team started their tournaments in May.   I usually watch Clare play and then if if works out, we then go to Andrew's games.  Now with them both playing on weekends, it is tough.

#34 is Clare
Clare catches in a lot of the games. 
Between rec and tournament games in a week, Andrew and Clare play about 10 games.  That's a lot of playing, watching and washing of jerseys.  Wouldn't trade it for the world!!