Clare had her music program this past week. The theme was The Heart of America and the six songs were Patriotic. Clare played a musical instrument during one of the songs, and she also had a speaking part. We were surprised she volunteered to take a part. She knew the line by heart but was nervous for the program. She did FABULOUS!!! She said her line clear and just the right pace. "You are about to hear song that is an oldie, but a goodie. It was recorded in 1908."
On Friday, Clare's school held its annual Farmer's Market. This is a 2nd grade project where the kids are studying consumers, producers, and services in school. They use what they have learned to have a Farmer's Market. The kids decide what they want to sell or service to provide for only $0.25. All of the proceeds went to a charity.
I found an idea on pinterest and asked Clare if she wanted to make it for the Market. Last weekend, Clare and I made a test run with the
popcorn treat, and it was a HIT with the family. But we switched it up a bit for the Market. I found pink chocolate wafers, used red and pink sprinkles, and added candy hearts and Valentine M & M's to each of the bags to sell.
She wanted to sell tattoos too. |

Clare is playing softball for the Dragons this spring, summer and fall. Since it is a traveling team, there are some extra costs. Her team is working really hard at trying to find sponsors and have fundraisers to defray the costs to the uniform and entry fees. One great quality of Clare's is when she has a challenge, she tries very hard to be successful and works towards any goal. The last couple of weeks she has sold 7 Yankee candles to our neighbors. ( I wasn't sure how these would sell since they are pricey and them being candles). Next, she has a can drive. This past week, we collected a bunch of cans from the neighbors, some great friends at work, & family too. Our garage is PACKED FULL!!! With all of this, hopefully it will put a dent into Dragon fees.
LOOK at the eye catching Dragon logo!!!! It's all who you know. Clare's team needed a logo so the team asked if we parents knew any graphic designers who would be willing to help and for free. My colleague and dear friend Jen, her husband Scott was able to help the team out. The logo looks perfect for the team and I can't wait to see it on the girls' uniforms, banner and t-shirts.