Last week, Clare and I took a roadtrip back to Glenwood. We haven't been back there in quite some time. But it was a nice little getaway. We stayed with Amber, Matt, and B. Clare and B. had so much fun playing together..just like old times. Amber and I talked so much catching up on what has been happening in our lives. We stayed up passed midnight, but it was so worth it.
Amber told us about a tour the Mills County jail was doing for the public. They are wanting the patrons of Mills Co. to vote for a new jail to be built, so they showed us the horrible working conditions for themselves and also dangerous circumstances of the current jail. |
Busted!!!!!!! | |
Love, love, love my old teaching buddies. Yes, Amber, Wendelin, and I all taught together at Chantry. I miss these ladies terribly but love how we have been able to stay in touch after leaving the area after 5 years.
Amber has a pool in her backyard. Clare was in HEAVEN...Dream come true. They swam all afternoon and again after supper.
Time to head out. Amber usually doesn't have PINK hair. She recently participated in the Color Run in Kansas City, and she must have LOVED it so much she helped out in the PINK zone in the race in Omaha. Well, the pink dye will NOT wash out of her hair. |
See you next time!!! |
Clare and I then headed up to Omaha. We had to pick up Olivia at Dan's house. She stayed there a few days to help out with her cousins.
We stayed for a little bit to play with the boys. What fun they are!!!!!