Saturday, July 21, 2012

Girl Time

Last week, Clare and I took a roadtrip back to Glenwood.  We haven't been back there in quite some time.  But it was a nice little getaway.   We stayed with Amber, Matt, and B.  Clare and B. had so much fun playing together..just like old times.  Amber and I talked so much catching up on what has been happening in our lives.  We stayed up passed midnight, but it was so worth it.
Amber told us about a tour the Mills County jail was doing for the public.   They are wanting the patrons of Mills Co. to vote for a new jail to be built, so they showed us the horrible working conditions for themselves and also dangerous circumstances of the current jail. 
Love, love, love my old teaching buddies.  Yes, Amber, Wendelin, and I all taught together at Chantry.  I miss these ladies terribly but love how we have been able to stay in touch after leaving the area after 5 years.

Amber has a pool in her backyard.  Clare was in HEAVEN...Dream come true.  They swam all afternoon and again after supper.

Time to head out.  Amber usually doesn't have PINK hair.  She recently participated in the Color Run in Kansas City, and she must have LOVED it so much she helped out in the PINK zone in the race in Omaha.  Well, the pink dye will NOT wash out of her hair. 
See you next time!!!
Clare and I then headed up to Omaha.  We had to pick up Olivia at Dan's house.  She stayed there a few days to help out with her cousins.

We stayed for a little bit to play with the boys.  What fun they are!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Poppin' Seeds

With all of the baseball games we have gone to this summer, Ruthie quickly learned how to eat sunflower seeds.  At first, she would just suck on them, chew all of it and then spit all of it out.  After a few games under her belt, she learned that you DON'T eat the shell.  I'd crack the shells and give her the seeds but soon she figured out how to crack the shells herself.  She likes to eat them as a snack at home and ball fields too.  Eating seeds keeps her busy.  As you can see, she likes to keep the shells separated.

Get Together

A friend of mine, Jen, from work invited some people from work out to her house for a BBQ.  Her husband grilled delicious sliders and hotdogs.  Plenty of salads, fruit, and desserts filled our plates.  It was great to see everyone and get caught up on what they have been doing this summer.  Despite the heat, the kids played kickball and fished.  What a great time we had!!  Thanks Jen, Scott, and Jacob for having us out.
A friend, Chris, helping Ruthie fish.

Collegues from work, Todd, Renee, Jen, Greg(my former principal) and myself

Movin' on to STATE

I know this is late, but Andrew's baseball team ended up winning District.  They beat North Story and then Ankeny two more times.  This Sat.-Tues. the boys will be traveling to Davenport to compete at the State level.  Only 7 teams will be competing for the title.  ONLY the top two teams, after pool play, will advance to the Championship game next Thurs. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Finishing Up Pool Play

Johnston won all 5 pool play games last week.  This week the team started Districts.  They won their first game but the 2nd game against Ankeny didn't go so well.  The boys hit the ball but Ankeny's good defense kept the team from winning.  Double elimination, so the next team to beat will be North Story. 

NOT excited with how the inning went. 

Nap Time

Ruthie recently moved to a Big Girl bed.  She had been in a toddler bed since November but we decided to take the bunk beds apart and move Olivia to the basement.  Clare and Ruthie now have twin beds.  Ruth has been struggling with taking naps and going to bed at night.  Not sure if it has something to do with Olivia moving rooms or her adjusting to her new bed.  This past week, nap time has been going better but she wants to sleep under her bed.  This seems odd but it works.  She lays down from 1-3:30.  We have to wake her up otherwise she'd sleep til 4:30.  I think another reason why going to bed at night has been rough is partly b/c of the other siblings staying up longer/baseball games.  In a way, I'm ready to go back to work in Aug. just to get back into a routine of things.

In Town

Last Friday,  the phone rang and it was for Clare.  It was her friend Anna.  Anna use to live across the street from us but moved 3 years ago to another city.  Since then, we have exchanged a few cards and letters but this summer Clare has called her on the phone a couple of times.  THIS time, as Clare was talking to Anna, the doorbell rang.  Standing there on her phone was Anna.  What a Surprise this was!!!!  They were a little shy at first but then started to play.  Anna and her dad, Dan, were in town for a couple of days and stopped by for a visit.  Dan and I had the chance to catch up on what is happening in both of our busy lives.  He is an educator as well.  Too bad, Heather, Anna's mom, couldn't make it down.  The girls have skype already to go so they can keep in touch a little better.

First day at stopping by for a visit.  Clare is only a month older than Anna.

Dan had some errands to do while in town, so Anna came and played with Clare for a few hours.  Then they headed back home to Cedar Falls. 

2nd visit

They wanted to do a silly face picture.

Here are the girls in June of 2009-4 years old

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Game 2 -Pool Play

Last night's game was against Urbandale. Andrew pitched a little, only 20 pitches.  If he pitches more then he can't pitch the next game.  Today he will pitch against Ankeny.  He closed the game with a double play. 


Going home

Final score 10-4...Johnston Wins
Once again, Ruthie making new friends and hanging out.
Keeping cool with the sprinklers on a nearby field. Clare and my nephew got soaked!  Only a 100 degrees out.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Pool Play

All Star season has begun.  Andrew's team has 5 pool play games and the two teams with the best record will advance to Districts.  Tonight was the first game in Marshalltown.  The girls and I didn't go since the temps are in the 100's and there is another game tonight anyway.  Instead, I took the girls to their own kind of pool play.....swimming.  That was the best thing to do in this heat. We were there for almost 3 hours.  Phil would text the details about the game to keep us posted.  Andrew's team won 10-0.

First homerun this season.  Andrew is the clean-up hitter and his homerun was a 3-run blast. 

"Look what I can do?"

"Peace out"

4th of July

This was the first July 4th my family didn't get together in Ottumwa to celebrate the 4th.  With it being in the middle of the week this year, it just didn't work in everyone's schedule.  It seemed strange NOT celebrating my grandpa's birthday and also my brother's wedding anniversary with the family in Ottumwa.   Usually we celebrate with a big BBQ and LOT of awesome fireworks.  All the cousins get together too.  Hopefully it will work out next year.
Ruthie's first parade!!
Some Minutemen walking in the parade.  Ruth heard a cannon shoot sound and didn't like it.  Throughout the parade she would cover her ears at the sirens or other loud commotion. 

An icee was tossed out to help keep the kids cool on this beastly hot day.

Ruth got tired of sitting in the HOT sun, so she found an empty chair to borrow.  She made a new friend to the person behind her in the blue stripes, chit chatting away to her.

My nephew's baseball team was invited to ride in the Game Truck during the parade.  Kip and his brother are in the left window (waving hand-Brett, Kip-below the gentleman in gray.)  It was pretty much the last float in the parade. 

Clare also met a new friend in the shade...Cooper.
 We went to my brother's house for a BBQ and for a few fireworks/sparklers.