Thursday, June 28, 2012

Season has Ended

Tonight was Clare's last night for softball.  She had a lot of fun on her team this year.  All of her teammates go to her school whereas in previous years the girls from other schools in our district were on her team.  I liked getting to know other girls from her grade and the parents too. 

After Clare's game, we all headed to Orange Leaf for a frozen yogurt treat.  This is the new HOT spot here in town.  It opened sometime in late winter, I think.  Business is happening here.  Anyway, the coaches received there gifts for coaching the team and the girls were given trophies.  I failed to get a picture of Clare with hers:-(

Ruthie played with this little girl at all of the games as her sister is on Clare's team.  They shared snacks together, played in the dirt and became cute little friends.  Maybe in 2 years when Ruth and G. start kindergarten, they will hook up at TR.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weekend in IC/CR

We headed to Iowa City and Cedar Rapids last week because Andrew had a state baseball tournament. It had been a LONG time since we all had been in Iowa City.  We took advantage of downtown IC, seeing some college friends and family too. 
We stopped at a mall outlet store before getting to Iowa City.  While the boys were in the Nike store, the girls wanted to ride the motorized toys. 

Eating lunch at Jimmy Johns. 

Siting on the steps at the Old Capital Building

Waiting for the others to come out of Museum in McBride Hall.

Adina's kids and the Nord kids

Adina and I
I also visited another friend, Kristi, but didn't take pictures of us together:-(

Then it was off to CR to stay with Phil's Uncle Mark for a couple of nights.  We haven't been there in a REALLY long time.  The kids did great there being entertained by Mark's pool table, playing washers and we all enjoyed Mark's company too.  Failed to get a picture of Mark too.  He was a FABULOUS host for us.  We never left his table starving.  Thanks Mark!!
Mark brought out his washer game set.  The boys played several games.  Phil was the winner in every game. 

Clare was lovin' Mark's pool table.  She was wanting to play the whole time we were there.  Here she is showing Olivia how to hold the cue stick and hit a ball.

I don't take many pictures of Andrew playing since his team has a dad that takes team photos.  Here are the two I took. 

Andrew's team earned 9th place out of 27 teams.  They had 4 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie in the whole tournament.
My cousin Michelle and her family live in Cedar Falls and came down to CR for two of Andrew's games on Sun.  They took on the 90 degree heat with us.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Play Date

Now that summer vacation is here, I'm home with the kids.  Ruth would wake up and ask,"Are we going to Lori's today?" This has been our routine Monday-Friday for the past 36 weeks.  Lori came over a few weeks back to give Ruthie a birthday present but she hasn't seen her little friends from Lori's.  Below is Abby, who is about 6 weeks older than Ruthie, and her new baby sister Lucy.  We went to see them last week and to meet Lucy, who is only 6 weeks old.  Their mom works at the same district I do but a different building.  Lori only watches teachers' children.  Abby and Ruth will be the BIG kids at the sitter in the fall. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

11U Majors Chamionship Game

Andrew's team had their 11U Major Championship game to play in the 95 degree heat Monday night.  It was Red Sox vs. White Sox. 
Andrew pitched the whole game, 83 pitches, just 2 shy of the limit.  His team was up 3-0, but then had a bad inning and the score then was 3-7.  Clare too had a game a few fields away, so I had to leave but before I did, the Red Sox scored a few more runs and it was 6-7.  I hated to leave since it was a close game. 

**All of the pictures below were taken by my SIL.  My brother and family came to the game.  I told Sara to bring her camera to take pictures since I'd be away at Clare's game. 

Hit a double and 2 RBI's
Andrew's run tied the game.

Red Sox WIN!!!!!!  13-7

After Andrew's game, Sara came over to Clare's game but once she got there the game was over.  She was only able to snap a picture of Clare with two teammates.  And....

of course get a few pictures of Ruthie eating her ring pop.  She only has a ring pop b/c I had to bribe her to leave Clare's game for a few minutes so we could go see the outcome of Andrew's game.  I could here cheering and the announcer talking so I knew the game was close to being over, if not already.  But by the time I got there, it was done and I couldn't tell who had won til Phil told me the news. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!!

This week when Phil ran an errand, I quickly had the kids get their shoes on for a walk on the trail for a little Father's Day picture.  Since Olivia is moving bedrooms, that causes me to go through a LOT of my stuff in the extra room.  I came across a scrapbook magazine with this idea.  I brought Olivia's markers and once we got to the bridge, I marked the message on their feet.   It turned out really cute.  Then I had the picture sent to Walgreens to make a personalized card for Phil.  I couldn't wait to have him open his card. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This Friday, Olivia has her dance recital.  She took dance off a year ago but decided to take a class her 7th grade year.  She is in Hip Hop 3.  Last night Olivia had her tech rehearsal, which his basically a run through the song and also to figure out where to stand on stage.  It only lasted 15 minutes. 

Her class is dancing to the song Green Light.  The theme of her program is called With Leaping Colors.

Let's Get Wet