Clare received a new snow tube for Christmas to go sledding. She was dieing to get it out and use it but lately, there hasn't been enough snow to use it. Saturday it snowed plenty for the kids to play in. Right after church, we all suited up to go sledding at the nearby sled hill.
Andrew was envious of her new ride and had to ride it too...almost every time that is. HA

Making sure they hit the jump.

Olivia liking the snow after all. The past couple of years, she hasn't wanted to play in the snow...too cold, she says. But today she was out in it for over 2 hours.

All excited and ready to go back up the hill.

Ruth not sure what to think about this sledding thing.

I took Ruth down the hill with me for the first time. She liked her ride(s) down but didn't care for the trips up the hill in the sled.

Clare making a run down.


My little snowbunny...Olivia.

Clare is getting hot with all of the exercise.

Olivia wanted to take little Ruthie down in the hill. Making memories together.

This is the first time this year to break out the snowboard on the hill too. Andrew didn't use it much because he thought it went too slow.