Friday, January 20, 2012

Want Polish Like...

Olivia. Olivia painted her nails over the weekend and Ruthie wanted polish on her nails too. When asked what color, she said purple polish.

So excited to have her nails painted.

Blowing to dry them.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Reading to Little Sis

Clare's reading has taken off this year in first grade. She LOVES to read her books in her bookbag and the books we have here at home. I think it is just precious when the older siblings take time to read to Ruthie.

Spot It

I know it has been a LONG time since I have put new pictures on my blog. I really haven't taken many pictures lately with us all going back to school.

Here we are playing SPOT IT. Clare received this new game in her stocking. It reminds me of the game Pictureka but now, players have individual cards to look for matching pictures. There are several different games that can be played with this game. Everyone had fun playing this game, however Ruth was more interested in taking her bath during our game night.