Andrew has the same teacher Olivia did when she was in 5th grade.
First Day of School 2011-2012
This was the first year ever that Phil and I were able to watch the kids go off to school and even take them to school. We've always been back to work ourselves. Tomorrow is our official day back to work. It was great getting them ready w/o feeling rushed. What I loved was being home when they came home from school and listen to them tell me about their day.
Looking so grown up. Olivia is starting 7th grade.
Olivia will be riding the bus with a friend across the street this year.
Ruthie waving and saying "Good-bye, Ya, Ya." as she watches Olivia walk to the bus.
Clare was all smiles on her first day of 1st grade.
Andrew in his usual pose by the door. Last year in elementary school. YIKES!!
Walking to the back of their school.
Andrew will be walking to school this year with a neighbor boy.
And....there off!!!!