Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Birthday Girls and a Boy

We celebrated Olivia's 12th birthday, Ruthie's soon to be 2nd, and my nephew, Kip's birthday with the family over the weekend. It was a packed house with food, gifts...and water. That's right, water!!! With the temps reaching in the 90's, kids got into their swimsuits for some water balloon fun along with the sprinkler. The kids, including two dads, had a HUGE water fight. Phil eventually turned the water off due to all of the water being used.

Before the party I took this picture. Ruthie looks so cute in pigtails but she doesn't like to keep 'pretties' in her hair for a long period of time.

No calling was needed to wear their FAV baseball team attire.

Luke, Andrew, Kip & Brett

Cooling off with an icy.

Lunch time

On the deck eating. About 10 minutes later, their plates went flying, hot and windy outside.

Michelle and Luke

Opening presents

Ruth immediately put on her new dress from Aunt Sara. The dress is a 3T but looks like a long shirt. She is going to need a bigger size.

We got Ruth a new water table.

This is the only picture I took of the kids playing outside. They are too fast for the camera these days. Here is Andrew running to refill is water supply.

Cake time

Monday, May 30, 2011

Long Time No See

Phil's cousin, Jill, was in town over the weekend. She, her husband, Lee and 3 year daughter, Lauren leave in Austin, TX. Phil and I managed to get away for a few hours while Grandma Mary watched the kids. It has been a VERY long time, maybe 6 years, since we have seen Jill. We use to see her frequently at family gathering or at her dad's. It was great seeing her and the people she was with. There were tons of laughs and good times. Hopefully it won't be another 6 years before we see each other again.

We met her husband, Lee, which we just met for the first time. He and Phil have the love of music in common.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

School is Out

School is OUT for the kids and for both Phil and I. I had the opportunity to go to my kids' school to attend a 'Party' in Andrew's class. It was very nice of my principal to let me go without getting a sub and also for the 3 teachers who helped cover my class, so I could go. Andrew was thrilled I could be there. He shared this portfolio and work samples from this year, and his teacher put together a DVD of his class.

After school, Andrew and I stopped by Clare's classroom to pick her up and to snap a photo.


4th Grade- You can tell how much taller Andrew is from the fall to the spring.

Here is Andrew with 2 of his closest friends that are in his class this year. They were in the same class in 1st grade and have remained great friends.


Andrew's team had another busy weekend of games. I usually don't go to all of them b/c Ruthie can't handle going to all of them. Well, the team won another game so they advanced in their pool. Since another game was going to be played, and Ruth had just woke from her nap, I packed up the van and headed to the game.

Hangin' out with the boys in between games.

Behind the baseball field is an open field/bike trail. Ruth eating her snack.

May 14th

The girls and I took a road trip to SW Iowa while the boys stayed back since Andrew was playing in a baseball tournament. A former colleague of mine from Malvern, invited me to attend her daughter's wedding. Despite the gloomy, cool weather the sun happened to show up during the ceremony but quickly hid away. I didn't get a picture of my friend and I, but I snapped a few photos of the bride and groom.

After the wedding, I hooked up with my friend Wendelin, and we decorated the community center where her son, Kyle, would be having his graduation party. Below is a picture of Amber and I. Amber and I use to teach together in Malvern and we both were pregnant at the same time. I had Clare in Sept. and Brock was born in Dec. of 2009. Anyway, Amber stopped by since I needed to give her something.

Clare and her buddy, Brock.

Since the girls and I had spent the night and the graduation party wasn't til Sun. afternoon, I needed Ruth to take a nap. I ended up driving up to Omaha, so Ruthie would nap. Thank goodness, she was able to get her 2nd wind. While we were there, we took a chance to see if Dan, Raye, and Joseph were home. Luckily, they were!!

At Kyle's graduation party, I was able to visit with former colleagues from Malvern. I worked with all of these wonderful ladies before I moved to Des Moines.

Here is Kyle with his parents, Wendelin is one of my closest friends whom I use to teach with.

These girls were having their graduation party in the same building but on a different floor. I went to see them but they had left. They had heard Mrs. Nord was upstairs. They came up to find me. I taught all of these girls(except the one on the right... I was her teacher 9 yrs. ago) when they were in 4th grade, 8 years ago. They all are headed to wonderful places after high school. I'm so proud of them!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

What a lucky mom I am to have four beautiful children!! They showered me with some neat gifts that they made at school or at Lori's, Ruthie's care provider.

First Communion for Natalie

What a special day Natalie had celebrating the Eucharist for the first time. The service was beautiful and a wonderful day to be celebrating Mother's Day as well.

Here is Natalie Suzanne, our beautiful Goddaughter.

Ruth continues to wear other people's shoes. Here she is wearing Natalie's.

Here is looking back in the past...April 20, 2003. Here are photos from Natalie's baptism using my old 35mm camera. I didn't have a lot of good photos of her face, but she is less than a month old in these photos.

Olivia and Andrew were cute in this photo with Natalie. Olivia was almost 4 in this photo and Andrew was 2 1/2. He was into "Woody" from ToyStory hence the cowboy hat.

Weekend in Cedar Falls

This weekend we went to my cousins to celebrate our goddaughter's First Communion. We decided to travel up a day early so the cousins could have more time to play. Andrew didn't think we got of town soon enough to head up there Sat. morning. He was ready to go by 8AM. We were close, by 9, we were on the road. The kids played a TON outside, which was nice. They played a lot of baseball, basketball, played on their playset, wii, and a trip to Natalie's school playground.

Ruth wouldn't sit long enough for us to get in a photo. She is sooo busy these days and LOVES the outside.

Movie and Popcorn

Monday, May 2, 2011

Little Late-Easter Pictures

Ruthie finding her first egg. I only have pictures of her getting the eggs. The others move too fast for me anymore.

She is liking the candy inside the eggs.

Family photo before church. Hey, all are looking at once with smiles too. This doesn't happen very often.

Those who know Clare, can you believe she is wearing a skirt?? She was all excited to wear it along with her dress shoes. She does have a girly side to her after all.

Egg hunt with the cousins.

Counting eggs

Grandma spoiled the kids with more Easter goodies.