The girls and I took a road trip to SW Iowa while the boys stayed back since Andrew was playing in a baseball tournament. A former colleague of mine from
Malvern, invited me to attend her daughter's wedding.
Despite the gloomy, cool weather the sun happened to show up during the ceremony but quickly hid away. I didn't get a picture of my friend and I, but I snapped a few photos of the bride and groom.

After the wedding, I hooked up with my friend
Wendelin, and we decorated the community center where her son, Kyle, would be having his graduation party. Below is a picture of Amber and I. Amber and I use to teach together in
Malvern and we both were pregnant at the same time. I had Clare in Sept. and Brock was born in Dec. of 2009. Anyway, Amber stopped by since I needed to give her something.

Clare and her buddy, Brock.

Since the girls and I had spent the night and the graduation party wasn't til Sun. afternoon, I needed Ruth to take a nap. I ended up driving up to Omaha, so Ruthie would nap. Thank goodness, she was able to get her 2nd wind. While we were there, we took a chance to see if Dan, Raye, and Joseph were home. Luckily, they were!!

At Kyle's graduation party, I was able to visit with former colleagues from
Malvern. I worked with all of these wonderful ladies before I moved to Des

Here is Kyle with his parents,
Wendelin is one of my closest friends whom I use to teach with.

These girls were having their graduation party in the same building but on a different floor. I went to see them but they had left. They had heard Mrs.
Nord was upstairs. They came up to find me. I taught all of these girls(except the one on the right... I was her teacher 9 yrs. ago) when they were in 4
th grade, 8 years ago. They all are headed to wonderful places after high school. I'm so proud of them!!!