We traveled up to Cedar Falls for the day to celebrate my cousin's two childrens' birthdays. The weather turned out to be beautiful for their celebration as they had a bounce house in their backyard to entertain the kids. All had a blast!!! Joe grilled some great food and Michelle baked yummy cupcakes for dessert. She also had fun party games planned for the kids go along with the Despicable ME themed party.
Luke turned 5 and Natalie turned 8.

Hy-Vee made this cool minion cake. It was very moist and delicious.
Ruthie lovin' the frosting on the cupcake...again.

Pin the eye on the minion.

Girls vs. Boy-Freeze Tag
Give us your tough look, girls!!!

Andrew and the birthday boy!!

"Ah, Fun!!" (Ruthie's words)

Clare wanted me to take a picture of her doing a front flip.

Relaxing on the swing and enjoying the sun.