Today I went into Clare's classroom to be with her and 18 kindergarteners. She has been the "Sweet Pea" of the week so I has able to go in and her classmates asked me questions about my job. Then the class quized me on Clare's favorite things. I answered 7 out of 10 correct. Here are some her favorite things:
treat-mint ice cream

After the 'quiz', Clare read me some of her books from her browsing bag. She was sosoooo excited to have me there and wanted me there all day.
I even ate lunch with Clare and some of her friends.

Recess time

After a fun time in her classroom, I was off back to work in my own classroom.
**Tonight when putting Clare to bed, she asked if tomorrow is a stay home day or school day. I told her stay home day. She pouted and groaned that she still wanted it to be "Sweet Pea" week. She loved bringing photos of her family and having show and tell everyday this week.