Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today Andrew celebrated his 10th birthday. Even though his fav NFL football team isn't doing well, he still wanted a Dallas Cowboy themed party. He received as gifts on his actual birthday, a new Cowboy baseball hat and a Cowboy t-shirt, but didn't want to wear them today since the Hawkeyes were playing today. During football season, Andrew wears Hawk gear on Sat. and Dallas clothing on Sun. He loves to support his teams.

Nephew Kip, Grandpa and my brother Chris

Grandma Lois not ready yet, eyes closed.

Ruthie with her Great Grandma Lois

The boys are not excited about the Hawkeyes losing their game in a few minutes.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kids' Projects

Both of the girls had projects over the weekend to work on. Clare needed to decorate a turkey with things other than crayons. She picked out these bright colored pom, poms and feathers. She loved sorting all the colors into different piles and then arranging them on her turkey. I helped with putting the glue on the turkey. She can't wait to bring it to school tomorrow.

Olivia is taking an exploratory Spanish class for 8 weeks. She had to create a float of a Spanish country. She chose Costa Rica. Her float depicts a parade that takes place Dec. 26th. It is a parade showcasing horses and one of the biggest parades in the country.