3 years already???? Yep. Today marks our 3rd year living in the
DM area. Hard to believe that Clare was 3 when we first moved here. When Phil and I decided to move here June of 2007, it was HUGE risk and a big decision for us.
1. I had a job and then Phil had to let his job go in Omaha and search for a new one.
2. Sell the house (which took 3 months, now looking back this doesn't seem SO long in today's housing market but at the time, it seemed like forever) Phil remembers this time of our life not being very fun. He basically was a single dad living in
Glenwood raising our children, and I'd travel home on the weekends to visit. This lasted for 2 months.
3. Kids switched schools twice in one school year, but survived well and have made some great friends.
4. Starting a new life, in a new city, new jobs/school for all of us. Moving away from what Phil, I and the kids have all known, home...
Glenwood for 10 years.
Sadly, we left behind some dear family, Phil's brother, Dan. Dan would come to
GW several times a month to hang out to watch football and to play with the kids. And also break a few things around the house or injure a kids or two. HA, but we still love ya!!!! Now, that we moved away, we all miss our times with Dan and his family. With both of our schedules it makes it hard to get together.
We also left behind some wonderful friends and
colleagues which was like our second family from home. I loved the people I worked with as they helped me so much in my teaching career.
Moving away from what we were all use was scary. We weren't sure if we made the right decision. We knew at one point, we'd move b/c our house was getting too small. With me having a job offer in DM this opened the door for us. Who knew if this door would open again??
Now, that we are all settled, a lot has happened. The kids quickly made friends. We LOVE our neighborhood and neighbors, another great group of people to work with, a bigger house for our family, Phil got another teaching job, Ruthie came along, and Phil decided to advance his career to become a principal. We are closer to my brother and family now. There isn't a week, that the kids don't see their cousins, Kip and Brett. Andrew and Kip are in the same grade and both LOVE sports. They play together outside non-stop either playing kickball, baseball, football, wii, or talking football stats. They are quite the best of buds.

Ruth took off out of the picture before we could get her in it. This just shows how fast she is and wants nothing to do with posing for a picture.