Monday, April 26, 2010

Eating Pizza

R. is eating more and more table foods. Tonight we had homemade pizza and she thought it was pretty yummy. Maybe because Dad makes the best pizza. She ate two pieces along with cut up peaches. At this point she eats whatever is given to her. I know soon her tastes will change. But right now she loves pears, green bean, peas, carrots, mashed potatoes, hot dogs, hamburger, spaghetti, grilled chicken, and tator tots. Oh, one thing she doesn't like are bananas. However, she'll eat the Gerber processed kind.

Yum, Yum

Messy girl!

What a helper!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Fun

RM and I hung out for a little bit in the afternoon while everyone else headed out. I took her on a stroller ride on the trails. We stopped at a bridge, and she was looking at the water below. After our walk it was time to go get the girls and then off to A.'s baseball game. Lots of activity going on today in matter of 3 hours.

What BIG blue eyes you have!

The kids were invited to a birthday party at our local skating rink. Only the girls could go while A. had baseball practice and game. C.'s skating skills have definitely improved since last fall. It is easier for her to skate using her roller blades. Now, she just cruises by.

And there she goes.

O and our neighbor friend

After skating, we headed to A.'s game. Here he is pitching.

Phil is in the background video taping.

C. gets tired of watching baseball, so we headed the the play area. She and R. are taking off in the airplane.

This time RM liked the swing.

The Arrival of JCN

Here is he.....we've been waiting a long time for Raye and Dan's baby to arrive. Finally on April 12th, at 5:14PM he arrived safely. It was a LONG week waiting to see and hold the new baby in the family. C. was asking everyday this past week if Saturday was here yet. As from the looks of their smiles, we couldn't get enough holding time. He was in someone's arms for most of the day.

A. was hoping for a boy cousin.

He likes his thumb.

Uncle Phil has another nephew to play football with.

Holding Little J. was just precious. He just seems so tiny and little. Hard to believe that only 10 months ago, Baby R. was this small. How quickly they grow. Phil and I are fortunate to be his godparents. We can't wait to see him next month at his baptism.

Gramma with her grandchildren.

It was a beautiful day in Omaha. The kids played at the nearby school ground, played football with Dan and Phil, and even played a few rounds of croquet. I even beat A. 2 out of 3 rounds of it.

When we arrived, R. was napping. When she woke, I don't think she knew what to think, new place, a new faces to remember. She was slow at moving around. Several times she was seen in this position. It was kind of funny. It looks like she is posing for her senior pictures.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good Girl

We were upstairs in the girls room playing. I noticed Baby R had a sticker and a stamp on her hand. I asked C. where that came from and her reply was, "She was a good girl, so I gave her a stamp and a sticker."

Let the Season Begin

Game face or he isn't too excited to have another picture taken by mom.

A is at bat in the photo below.

Dandelions are blooming.

R. on the ground feeling the grass, but notice C's feet on the fence. That girl is always climbing something.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Birthday

My nephew's 6th birthday was on April 3. Easter afternoon, we went to my brother's house to give him his presents and to celebrate with family. Happy Birthday!!!

The Best Eggs

My mom makes the BEST deviled eggs. My brother asked her to make some for Easter, so she and her assistant C. went to work on the request.

Smushing the yolk

Filling each egg with the creamy yolk filling.


Happy Easter

C. was looking forward to the Easter Bunny. She wasn't scared to sit next to the Bunny this year. Baby R. doesn't look too excited but at least she didn't cry like she did when she sat on Santa.

Coloring Eggs

Easter Morning

Trying to keep the ears on her head but that didn't work too well. She kept shaking them off.

I'm always wanting a family photo. This was taken after church-minus R. She was sleeping.

Now, R. is up. We're outside saying good-bye to Gramma Mary.

In the afternoon, we went to my brother's house to celebrate Easter with an egg hunt.

It is hard to take photos of the older kids hunting for eggs. They are too fast.

My mom and I