During church exactly one month ago today, C. asked,"How long does it take for a tooth to fall out?" "Depends how loose it is." I said. She then told me she had wiggly tooth. I had her show me and sure enough, her bottom tooth was wiggly. On the way home from church, Phil played the song "Wiggly, Jiggly Tooth" in the van and C. had a smile on her face that was priceless. C. was so proud of her wiggly tooth, she wiggled it all the time in front of people making sure they knew her tooth was loose.
C. became comfortable of having a wiggly tooth. She didn't want to tug on it much in fear of pain. She HATES any type of pain. Yesterday, I noticed the tooth turning brown, knowing the nerves were dead and soon it would fall out. Today around lunch time, I asked her to push out her tooth with her tongue and she did. I said, "Very soon, it will fall out." I turned away and the next thing I heard was, "My tooth is out," and her tooth in her hand. Phil and I had her smile at us. Very cute. We just can't believe she is losing her teeth already. Where does the time fly??

C's tooth is in O's glow in the dark tooth holder. She is ready to put it under her pillow and can't wait for the Tooth Fairy to come.