Within the past week, I am REALLY feeling pregnant. My belly just seems to be huge at this point, and I have a long way to go. At 23 weeks, I look like I did at about 35 weeks with the other three kids. I know by the fourth child I should pop out early on, but boy, I'm uncomfortable at times. I'm glad with my job, I stand for the majority of the time. The baby is constantly kicking and when I sit, everything is pushed up. Sleeping...those who have been pregnant know sleeping on your side gets old REAL fast. I wake up with my arms/shoulders aching. 17 more weeks of this.
Over the weekend, I laid down and had the kids feel for the baby to move. It was soooo cute. First O. put her hands on my belly and when she felt the baby move, her eyes just lit up with a smile. She said, "I felt the baby move!" C. then ran to put her little hands across my belly. She was concentrating real hard to feel the baby, and all of a sudden, the baby moved her hands. She cheered out,"The baby bumped up my hands!" C. was just tickled pink feeling her sister move her little hands. By the time A. wanted to feel the baby, she really didn't move much. So he just took them off. Kids don't have a lot of patience.
Now, my students at school are noticing the baby getting bigger. One girl said today,"Your baby is growing." Then a boy said I'm getting fatter. Obviously he doesn't know that that isn't polite to say to a woman. But he is the same boy that when I told my students I'm pregnant, he said, "There is one problem Mrs. Nord, you're not fat."

23 weeks, 3 days