Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winter Party

Today I was able to go to Ruth and Clare's Winter Party at school.  I can't even remember the last time I've ever gone to one of their parties.  Usually I'm at my school having a party in my room as well.  Since my district has already dismiss for Christmas, I was able to go to theirs.  Now we are off for two weeks!!  SWEETNESS!!!
Making an edible snowman.
Mrs. Smith and Ruth
Mrs. Weyers' and Clare

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Tis the Season for Baking

Ruthie, Clare and I spent the weekend making sugar cookies.  I only made two batches and that made plenty.  Today we frosted all of the trees, bells and star cookies.  Ruthie became a little frustrated for not being able to frost very well, but realized she is a pro at sprinkles.  Clare also helped out after her softball game.  I saved some for her to frost.  Ruth would eat a cookie or two in between frosting and would say, "Oh, these taste soooooo good, "  and they are.  We some to eat now and then saved a container full for our Christmas with Phil's side of the family.

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Ruthie came home from school on Friday with this cute reindeer hat.  She wore it all night and even sang the song several times.  She loves singing songs from school.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Where is the Snow???

Here it is the middle of December, and it sure doesn't feel like it at all.  The temperatures the past couple of days have been in the high 50's, which is 20 degrees warmer than what we should be here in Iowa.  I have seen these snowflakes on some blog posts lately and thought Clare would like to make one.  She loves to make things.  Thanks to You Tube and their tutorials on 3D snowflakes, Clare and I were easily able to make one.
Cut paper into a square and make 3 slits about an inch from the top.  We made about 8 squares.
Unfold the paper and roll up each of the ends to make a crescent shape. 
Gather the corners of each and staple all together.  And voila, one giant snowflake!!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Kind of Final

Finals are quickly approaching for Olivia with the 1st semester wrapping up before Christmas break.  She is taking Culinary 2 this semester; along with a written final, she and her friend had to plan and make a dinner, which included an appetizer, main dish, side, and dessert.  She had a grocery list and off we went to the store to buy ingredients to make fettuccine Alfredo, Cesar salad, bread sticks and brownies.  Everything was from scratch, except the noodles. The girls had a lot of fun making the meal, dancing Santa helpers, and tasted all sosoooo good.  I don't have pictures handy of them making the food since I was busy taking photos on the ipad.  They need to make a video of them prepping and making the dinner.  That will be tomorrow's project.
Dinner is served!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quality Time Together

Phil took Olivia, Andrew and my nephew, Kip to the Iowa vs. Nebraska football game the Friday after Thanksgiving.  They headed on the road early to meet up with some friends to tailgate then headed to the game.  Despite the loss of the Hawkeyes, the kids had a fun time.  Before heading home, Phil has to stop at his FAV place for ice cream...Whitey's.  It was a long drive home with all of the traffic on the interstate.  They were gone for 12 hours.

While they were away, Clare was at her cousin's house playing, so Ruth and I spent the day together.  We were busy putting up the Christmas tree, decorating the house, we went out for lunch, shopped a little and enjoyed being with each other.  Our house was so quiet with only two of us home. 

Winter Sports

Clare had her first rec basketball game this past Saturday.  She really likes playing basketball a lot.  She is fast and makes most of the baskets.  Here she is with a few of her teammates.  The coaches try to match the kids up by height.  Clare looks like a giant on the team.  Her team consists of both 3rd and 4th graders.

Her team Lightning won 36-32. 

Even though it is winter, softball practice is around the corner.  In the meantime, Clare was asked to play in an indoor league for about 6 weeks.  Her first game was last weekend.  Phil took these pictures on his phone, and they didn't turn out so hot. 
Lead off batter-she went 4-3.

Can't Be Possible

Last Wednesday I had the afternoon off from work to go to the dentist.  Even though I had to go get my teeth cleaned, it did seem like a treat.  I NEVER take time off from work but sometimes you just have to.  Since I was home early, I took Andrew to the DOT to take his learner's permit test.  We haven't had time on the weekends and plus who wants to wait in line there on a busy Saturday.  Surprisingly, the place was FULL!!  He had to wait about 15 minutes before taking the 25 question test.  I left to use the restroom while he took the test, and by the time I came back, he was done.  He PASSED with flying colors.  The clerk finished up with asking him some questions then shortly his paper permit was issued.  As we were leaving, I asked him if it all looks good as he was looking over his permit.  He says, "They have me down as a 'girl'.  I thought he was kidding but NOPE!!  We quickly turned around to get it the 'F' removed from his permit and get the 'M' on it.  The clerk has no idea how that even happened because Andrew looks nothing like a girl, especially with his deep manly voice.  Oh well, something to remember this day!!
5'8' and 155 lbs

I didn't have Andrew drive us home.  With the DOT being in another town, he would have to drive in rush hour on the interstate.  I was not ready for that. 


Geez Louise have I have been a slacker or what?!?! Between teaching, hosting 2 practicum students, sports/church, life, being a mom of 4, working full time, never ending laundry, cleaning the house...sometimes blogging gets pushed back!  By 3 months!!!

I'm going to 'try' to recap a few things from the past couple of months.  For Thanksgiving this year, we stayed right here in Urbandale.  My SIL hosted dinner at her house so traveling 2 miles was doable.  My mom and grandma joined us too, along with her family.  

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Birthday Girl

Clare will turn 10 on Tuesday.  For an early celebration, I took Clare to the zoo.  I knew she wanted to go and today was the perfect day since there were NO activities planned.  We had a nice time together.  It doesn't seem possible that she will be 10.  She was only 3 when we moved to Des Moines.  Clare is one spunky, driven girl.  With her being the third child, she definitely wants to be noticed.  Nothing stops Clare.  When she wants to do something, her mind is set, and she achieves it.  This quality of hers will take her a long way.  She sets the bar high for herself in both academics and in sports.  Can't wait to see what the future has in store for her.  Happy Birthday Clare!!

Her shirt fits her well.  For those who know Clare, fast is the only pace she knows. 

Being Silly

Clare and Ruth were a little bored but had fun playing dress up and clowning around.  Maybe they are planning ahead for a Halloween costume.

Seriously...it has been THAT Long??

I can't believe it has been over a month since I have been on my blog.  With the start of school, sports, and going back to work, I haven't spent any time blogging.  Another reason why I haven't been blogging is because importing photos to my new computer haven't been easy.  Iphoto isn't working and I don't know when the problem will be solved.  So the pictures may seem blurry, dark, and not the best in quality.  These are from my iphone and then I emailed them to my computer. 

First Day of School
8th Grade
Fourth Grade and just started wearing contacts too.
10th Grade

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

College Roomies

My college roommates came to Des Moines to visit while in town for other engagements.  
It had been over a year since we have seen one another.  We'd just pick up in conversations as if we get together on a regular basis.  Our children all have grown since our last visit.
Adina and I
Adina has 3 beautiful daughters.

Then Kristi was in town for her son's baseball games.  Phil, Andrew, Clare and I went to watch the games.  Olivia and Ruthie were having fun at Adventureland with friends.

Roommate for 2 years.
Kristi with her family.

Shoe Shopping

With school around the corner...yikes..... I needed to get the girls some new shoes.  Ruth isn't a fan of tennis shoes.  I think she has only owned one pair in 5 years.  But I knew she would NOT be wearing flip flops to school.  Picking out a pair she likes is a challenge...too tight, not enough bling, too hard to get on, etc.  She makes every excuse in the books about why she doesn't want them.  But this time around, she knew she needed shoes to go to kindergarten.  She tried on 3 pairs...2 tie shoes and one with the elastic laces.  I was going for those since they'd be easier to put on for her but she was liking the ones below in the picture.  Clare is showing her how to tie her shoes in the store.  Ruth was so cute trying on the shoes.  She'd run around in the isles to see if she can run fast, ha.  Out of the 3 shoes she tried on, she took the blue shoes below.

The next morning, she put her shoes on and asked Phil to help her tie.  After a couple of times, she had it mastered!!!  I couldn't believe it!!!  We haven't worked with her at all with it earlier...4th child syndrome, sorry Ruthie.  I underestimated your ability to tie your own shoes.  Your teachers will LOVE you for this, and PE teacher too ( so Aunt Sara says).

So proud to be able to tie her own shoes.

One-Step Closer

Olivia is one-step closer to getting her driving license.  She finished Driver's Ed last week and only May 2015 needs to get here to be able to drive without mom and dad.    She took the class with her good friend and drove with her too.  My teaching friend also is a driving instructor so he took the girls driving to complete this portion of Driver's Ed.  We had curb service because he picked the girls up at our home each night to drive.
Last time driving, final testing.

Adventureland 2014

About a month ago, my cousin Michelle and I planned for us to go to Adventureland before school starts up again.  With everything going on with our kids, we found 1 day for us to go.  It was a perfect day weather wise...sunny but not intense heat and lines were only long for a short time in the afternoon.  The kids are troopers for staying in the evening too.   Here are pictures from our day.

The Cousins
My cousin and I

Almost ready to ride the Raging River.  This was the longest wait of the day, at least an hour.  Ruth wasn't liking this.

My aunt, Michelle's mom came up for the day too.
The new ride at Adventureland is the Storm Chaser.  Clare and Natalie are waiting to try it out.

Waaaay up there they are.

While the big kids rode the big kid rides, Ruth and I had fun riding the smaller rides.  I prefer this because rarely there are lines.
We are spinning in the Tea Cup.  Ruth is lovin' all of these rides.

More Tea Cups with Natalie
My nephew taking Ruth on a spin on the Bumper Cars.  

Another successful trip to Adventureland.